Saturday 23 July 2011

Diving right in

Is the water cold? I'm dipping my toe in the blog, slinking back a little because it's just a touch scary. I'm not entirely new to this but so far I've had little success with blogging and if you've seen my previous efforts you may have been just in time to see the tips of my fingers sink into obscurity. So my question is ... will it happen again? Will I disappear in a blogging whirlpool, a few sad bubbles floating to the top from time to time?

I'm hoping not, of course.

This time I have a few bits and pieces of knowledge and experience on my side. Yes, blogging is still a bit of a fuzzy mystery to me. But for the past four years I've published journals on an art site ... you might have heard of it ... I have also tried my hand at My Space, but despite forwarding copious amounts of proof of identity, MySpace refuses to help me open an old account because there is nothing on that account that verifies who I am. It doesn't help either that the email address used at registration is long gone. So I've given up on them! And left my old account up because basically I have no choice in the matter.

I also have gathered together, on Facebook, friends, acquaintances, people of similar or far-differing interests with maybe one commonality. I am doing the same on Twitter and now here. While it sounds calculated, it isn't really. I am enjoying this type of networking as I am hopeless in meatspace. At parties, I'm the one who tries to blend in to the decor. I sit outside in the cold old beer garden at pub singles nights (well, um, night!). I tend to avoid parties and I really only 'socialise' if it's work-related. I love the concept of parties. I'm just not good at them.

However, I love talking to people. I love the exchange of ideas, views, concepts and colours of the world. I love to learn and I love to share whatever I've learned. So I hope this time my blog will have wings, whether they be water wings, wings on a prayer, wings over wind or whatever.

Just a little PS ... my renewed effort is inspired by a number of things. Firstly, friend Cathie T who is listed on my site. She is a lovely person, a friend I met on Redbubble and continue to stay in touch with. It is long-term inspired by Danny and renewed by his assertion that taking blogs into the world instead of hiding in an unused writing space is far better. And finally, by a chance meeting with a lovely lady today whose children may appear in next week's paper and who friended me on Facebook today. (Thanks Nadine).

If you're interested in reading any of my Journals on art and all things, head on over to my profile at There are 14 entries in the series entitled Come Write In. I may at some stage replay them here.


  1. Naaaww.... thanks ....

    Welcome to the world of blogging - accustomed though you are with sharing your thoughts with the world! Enjoy! xxx
